Tiger & Lamb

Long long time ago in a dense dark Jungle there lived a Tiger and a Lamb. One Day lamb was drinking water in a stream. Then came the tiger with an intention to eat him. So, it started an argument. Tiger says, “Why are you drinking the water I am drinking. You are making it unfit to drink with your touch.” Innocent and defenseless lamb replied, “How am I spoiling your water. You are drinking upstream and I am drinking downstream. I drink the water touched by you, not the other way.”
Tiger said, That is OK. I heard you scold me six months ago. How dare you did it? Lamb replied, “Sir, I was not born six months ago. How could I have scolded you 6 months ago?” Then Tiger replied, “I see. If you do not scold me, your mother would have done it. So, you have to pay the price.” He declared it and caught him and ate him up.....